Saturday, January 7, 2012

Video Tour of Chicken Coop

Happy New Year to all our readers! With the arrival of winter and the holiday season, we have been super busy getting the last of the garden vegetables and herbs harvested and dried, pickled, preserved, etc, etc. The garden beds have been turned over and mulched for the winter, and seed garlic is planted.  Little green shoots are already peeking up through the snow (garlic's awesomeness never ceases to amaze!). This fall's apples have all been crushed, pressed, and bottled, and are bubbling away as the yeasts work hard fermenting the apple juice into next year's hard cider. Finally, the beehive had to be bundled up and prepped for winter. It was so tempting to take some of the sweet delicious honey, already dripping from the frames, but that is what the bees need to live off while holed up all winter in their hive until spring. Beekeeping is turning out to be all about patience. This is the first winter with a beehive so we are anxiously awaiting to see how they fare this winter. Fingers are crossed!

Luckily for our micro-flock of indoor chickens in the basement, no such preparations are needed. They are warm and dry and sheltered from the snow and cold in their basement coop to await spring.

To make up for the sparseness of blog postings this winter, we have put together a video "virtual tour" of or clandestine coop. Enjoy!


  1. I'm glad I watched because I use tarping under my girls run and I like the idea of using the linoleum and then being able to wipe it down! Normally, I would just throw the tarp out after a while and start fresh. I also like how open your run is. It's tough to get myself inside my girls enclosed run (I bought from a catalog).
    Thanks. Very nice video.

  2. Hi, I might as well introduce myself--we talked a weekend ago when you both stopped your car in front of our green house. When you told me about your blog--I had to look it up, and today I finally have a moment to write! I LOVE your site! It seems that we have a lot of ideas in common. I did talk to my husband about beehives, too, especially since every time our fruit trees bloom, we have loads of happy bees flitting across the front yard. I'm hoping our trimming this fall will make our apples give us more than the 8 apples they gave last year (8 apples out of the 6 trees--and one of the trees gave us 6 of the 8! LOL). I'm also looking more into those dairy goats...I like your idea of getting 2 dwarf goats to keep each other company and am going to do some research. In the village, there is a young couple who live next door to the library with 2 pygmy goats--I'd like to meet them and see if they milk them. All I know is that they do take them for walks on dog harnesses down in the village--quite cute!
